i have more homework tonight than ever before. i think i'll be up until about 3 which sucks. look below and see all of it. i can't wait until tomorrow when i dont have to do anything.
p.s. i don't have time for this.
oh boy...
i hate writing. if it werent for writing, i wouldn't be looking for spackle right now......
allow me to explain: right now its about 10:30 in the morning on thursday, and im at home, "writing". Not, real sure how i managed it, but somehow i convinced my mom to let me stay home today to get "caught up" on all of my writing and physics.... wait, didnt i get behind from missing a bunch of school in the first place.....? its a vicious cycle......anyways, im condemned to my basement until i can produce two beautiful, shiny essays and ten physics problems. the problem is, unless there is some kinda of extremely short term reward for wirting this essay (i dont seem to get very motivated with the thought of getting a good grade, getting into a good college, getting a good job, making lots of cash... and so on) i cant get myself to do it, so, i think of a good way to make myself write this dumb crap. i go to my mom and say"hey mom, since i need some motivation, can i play my drums after i finish one of my essays?" and she says "aargh! i dont care, just get down there and do it!!" (obiously distressed from her breaking her own policy of "its the principal of the thing" and letting me stay home), so, being the cool, calm and very understanding person i am, i promptly went downstairs and through a big, bright
orange road constuction cone through my basement wall. anybody have "eggshell white" paint?