Tuesday, January 25, 2005

If you don't come to TV Pro, Smooth H is going to be forever mad. You and Kali are the only two from last year that never came back. He talks about that alot. Also he put stickers over your faces on the group shot. Face your fate!

This thing is back in town untill sat. Anyone else going to be arround?

WOK for life

Saturday was the walk for life in Brainerd. Turnout was low, everyone would rather be ice fishing I guess (I suppose it was an extravaganza!). The highlight was when I talked to the famed Senator Paul Koering, we talked about college, me, school, the kids next to me (who wouldn't look at him, to scared, booo). I liked him.

Honesty is given far to much honor. It is not a merit, but rather, a characteristic which should be expected from all individuals. To bad people suck.

Monday, January 17, 2005

New Moobie

This weekend marked the production of my new movie, first with dialogue, featuring AJ, John My Mom, and many more. As of now the film had no name, otherwise it is almost complete. It's due Wednesday and I hope it will be done in time. Crew call was at about three, and shooting was done around six thirty, much shorter than the 3 days we spent in the alley behind the Bridge. Nevertheless I hope this movie will be just as entertaining.
The first scene called for AJ to drive his car into my yard, so that may explain some of the pictures below. Christine was kind enough to document the behind the scenes action, along with Tom who took some moving video. Film Fest 05, bring your friends, and make a movie. But don't fret, the fest isn't going to happen for at least 3 months or so.

AJ has lots of baggage

"This movie is nuts"

I seek solace in the comforting arms of the mother wood.

1 Hobe=200hp

"wooo wooo" AJ

uuuugh, DO WHAT I SAY!!!

F-ing Metal!

Sunday, January 16, 2005


how can i be sure when all the time you change my mind, when you don't give me love.

why does 2% milk?

for me to poop on.

-- surgio benevaderez a.k.a AJ

Thursday, January 13, 2005

See this on Jan 28.

Merriam Webster's Word of the Day

The Word of the Day for January 13 is:

tendentious • \ten-DEN-shus\ • adjective : marked by a tendency in favor of a particular point of view : biased

Example sentence:I always suspected I was getting a highly tendentious version of the town's notorious family feud from my mother, who worked for one of the families for many years.

Did you know?"Tendentious" is one of several words English speakers can choose when they want to suggest that someone has made up his or her mind in advance. You may be partial to "predisposed" or prone to favor "partisan," but whatever your leanings, we're inclined to think you'll benefit from adding "tendentious" to your repertoire. A derivative of the Medieval Latin "tendentia," meaning "tendency," plus the English suffix "-ious," "tendentious" has been used in English as an adjective for biased attitudes since at least 1900.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Someone Had to Post it...

Technicolor dreams infest my mind.
Oh sweet fidelity!
Pigs Fly: A Speed Razor technical manual.
Danger; Slippery when wet.
Beware I'm fragile.
Pressing the J-Key will move the selected point off the face of the earth and we will all get shot into space.
Someone sprayed me with mace.
My heart is of sweet lace.
Your face is a space race.
I will punch you in the face.
Up here in Norway there's nothing to do but play guitars and kill each other in the snow - watch out mom it's just me and my black metal friends.
Blocks of two colors make a pattern.
But why then is it in nature?!
Our children are the future.
Racing through time.
Dime. Dime. Dime. Dime. Dime. Commercialism!
Stockholm is the capital of Sweden.
Who invented this stupid Rubix Cube?
Hmmm. Could everything be lost?
One time I got my head stuck in a bicycle wheel.
It's just a flesh wound.
I'm like a man that's been harpooned.
What disgusts me is your lack of party loyalty or your elucidativeness.

Thursday, January 06, 2005


This just in from MSNBC (from the television program "Scarborough Country", from the mouth of Jennifer Giroux, director, Women Influencing the Nation:

The 175,000 people killed in the recent tsunamis was "punishment from a vengeful god".....and "God has always used plagues, floods and natural disasters as a source of punishment."

she goes on to say this:

"Look at what we're looking with just in this country with cloning, homosexuality, trying to make homosexual marriages, abortion, lack of God in the schools, taking Jesus out of Christmas. I can't pretend to know the mind of God. But, historically, there have been warnings. And God, who is all-loving and all-good, and he will not be mocked."


Is this not just a little bit sick?

As Rabbi Shmuley Boteach puts it, "Jennifer Giroux is guilty of colossal blasphemy and even more colossal arrogance"

"How dare one say that 150,000 people that you have never met who are probably more righteous than you, more innocent than you, poor people who just worked hard to feed their kids, how dare you say they
were punished by God? You don't know those people."

I tend to agree with the Rabbi on this one, what are your thoughts?

Tuesday, January 04, 2005


I'm Going For a Walk

I'm sick of sitting around. I want to rock. With VIGAAH. I don't care what I have to rock, but it's going to be something. Hopefully I will get a keytar before the end of the world. Are there places for looser bands to practice in college? Or guess I could just rock out with something like dancing, or standing, general life stuff... If it doesn't hurt anyone I'm going to do whatever the jam I want to. Ok prolly not, but a little bit...



Saturday, January 01, 2005

Chris remeber when you called me and I was off the coast of Florida eating caviar? My mom thought it was worth a picture. And oh it was.

Cruise Formal Night, It was magical.