Monday, December 13, 2004

kay emm eff dee emm

hmm, blogging isnt really like riding a bike... i think i forgot how.....but i didnt forget how to shamelessly premote my band! Thats right folks, come one, come all to Brainerd Highschool on Friday, January 28th at 7:00pm for an evening of pleasant music, as well as kick-ass. Acts include heavy metal cult classic favorite Anna Bendson and country western super star Alex Proctor.......Not to mention power ballad heartbreaker hair band The Newmans. Bring a friend or romantic interest and go Dutch. One night only.........Admission is of negligable magnitude, not visible to the naked eye.


At 11:19 PM, Blogger Tom said...

first of all, not many bands have the means to practice with a PA, so get your facts straight; second of all, a lot of people appreciate good quality sound; third of all, what does where the show is located have anything to do with how much it is worth to see? If your favorite band was playing in the commons, would you only pay two dollars to see them? or would you sneek in?; fourth of all, good luck sneeking in with matt groen's dad gaurding the entrance (he used to be a bouncer); fifth, you're probly the only person i know who isnt willing to pay more than two dollars to see a few hours of music from bands who arent exactly loaded or able to buy all the equipment they need. sixth, go ahead and sneek in, the more people who see us play, the better, we dont need the money, and maybe you'll see all the people around you having a good time and enjoying the music and not bitching about how the three dollars they paid to get in was a rip off... maybe then you'll realize how petty you are, and like the grinch your hear t will grow three sizes and all us little whos in whoville will let you carve the roast beast...
p.s. wave to me and ill throw you a drum stick...

At 11:45 PM, Blogger matt said...

have you ever called up KFC and asked them how big their breasts are? Huh? have ya?

me neither?

i would pay 5 bucks to see aana play. she is that amazing. i said it.

i wouldn't pay that much to see proctor. why would i pay money just to listen to crap.


At 11:07 PM, Blogger J0hn said...

Basically, Proctor is a musical genious. Capelle is just jealous.

At 11:52 PM, Blogger matt said...

jealous of what? being able to suck? because if i wished to not be good, than yes, i would be jealous. aana bendson is way more musical than proctor will ever be.

At 11:05 AM, Blogger Tom said...

you're both wrong. one can play a G chord on a guitar, and one can play the piano, and they can both sing-- 3 skills that millions of people in this country alone posess..... niether suck, but niether are incredible musical prodigies... but they both make for a fine night of melodic entertainment... so shut up both of you and duke it out at the show on the 28th


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